ancienne Présidente du CNB, ancienne Bâtonnière du Barreau de Paris


A lawyer at the Paris Bar, Christiane Féral-Schuhl co-founded the FÉRAL firm, which mainly operates in the areas of digital technology, personal data and intellectual property. She is also registered on the list of mediators with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), on the list of mediators of the Paris Court of Appeal, as well as on the list of mediators in civil, commercial and work at the Quebec Bar. It is referenced in the directory of the National Center for Mediation of Lawyers (CNMA) of the National Bar Council (CNB). She also serves as an approved mediator with the Paris Mediation and Arbitration Center (CMAP) and is a member of the Scientific Council of the Equanim international platform dedicated to international business mediation. She was appointed second vice-president of the National Mediation Council which was installed by the Minister of Justice in June 2023. She is a cyber arbitrator with WIPO and a PARL expert with AFNIC. She has published several books and numerous articles in her areas of expertise. She is co-author with Michèle Jaudel, also a mediator and lawyer, of the work “Mediation, tested by practice” (Delmas, 2022) and, with Xavier Leonetti, magistrate and head of prevention and fight against cybercrime at the Ministry of Justice, of the work “Cybersecurity, instructions for use” (PUF 2022). She is the author of “Cyberlaw: the law put to the test of the Internet” (Dalloz Praxis 8th ed. 2020-2021) and “the protection of personal data” (Dalloz, 2019). She publishes “Adelaide, when artificial intelligence breaks the codes” (1st Dalloz comic book, available in bookstores since May 16, 2024) with the illustrator Tiphaine Mary, also a lawyer. She was named godmother of the 2021-2022 class of student lawyers from the Bar Training School of the Paris Court of Appeal (EFB) and the Grand Ouest Lawyers School (EDAGO). She chaired the National Bar Council (2018-2020) and the Paris Bar (2012-2013). She also co-chaired with MP Christian Paul the Parliamentary Commission on Law and Freedoms in the Digital Age and served on the High Council for Equality between Women and Men (2013-2015) and on the Council Superior of administrative tribunals and administrative courts of appeal (CSTA CAA -2015-2017).

Speaker on

Round Table 3: The leak of secrets

Table ronde
09/27/2024 | 14:30 - 15:45